segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010


There is a long long time I don't come here. I guess it's forsake there is a lot of things happenin' now. Responsabilities ;D
In a certain moment of your life you must grow up. You must be an adult, not a child anymore.
But, I think to myself "why must we grow up?" "why cannot we be children forever?"
I try to figure it out but I can't.
Children are happier much happier!
When you're a child the world is big, the time is so much longer, and you never become sad. Everything looks like a joke and fun. Everything you remember makes you smile. Maybe even a lacking tooth smile!
When you fight to some friend of yours (yeah fight against a friend, because child has no enemy), you get uspet but after a little while you forget everything. And together children become happy again like they ever became before.
Although I must do a lot of adult stuffs I guess I can be a child a little more.
I've decided it. More fun, more laugh, more pillow fight.
More friends. More good friends.
I think I'll stop gettin' tall too.

Am I looking like a child? I really really hope so. Maybe I'll be happier.

5 comentários:

Lucas disse...

Pena que não sei lê em inglês...

Mas deve ser interessante...


Jhow Rodrigues disse...

Grow up is inevitable,
However, be like a child is a option!
So, Be a child, in a body of an adult!
Be Happy...

Pauline disse...


eu lembrei daquele filme "A órfã"


eu heeein?? an adult in a body of a child hsuahsuahsuahsua

renan disse...


nine disse...

kkkkk joga no google colega hsuahsauhsa
mas basicamente fala da simplicidade da infância. Tudo é tão mais fácil e mais feliz quando se é criança! Arrisca um palpite do porquê?

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